Método para usar webservice PHP


ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); // disabling WSDL cache
$server = new SoapServer("http://localhost/wsdl.php?WSDL"); // Locate WSDL file to learn structure of functions
$server->addFunction("ChooseColour"); // Same func name as in our WSDL XML, and below

function ChooseColour($formdata) {
$attempt = false; // File writing attempt successful or not
$formdata = get_object_vars($formdata); // Pull parameters from SOAP connection

// Sort out the parameters and grab their data
$myname = $formdata['Name'];
$mycolour = $formdata['FavColour'];
$mynumber = $formdata['FavNumber'];

$str = "Name: " . $myname . ", ";
$str .= "Colour: " . $mycolour . ", ";
$str .= "Number: " . $mynumber . "\r\n";

$filename = "./formdata.txt";
if (($fp = fopen($filename, "a")) == false) return array('Success' => false);
if (fwrite($fp, $str)) {
$attempt = true;

return array('Success' => $attempt);



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